ADHD skills (not pills)
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I just love these emails Joseph, you often pose questions I'm grappling with myself. Without doubt my favourite ADHD newsletter — Jessica Summers, ADHD coach
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“It’s hard to describe how much my life has been transformed by the Drug Free ADHD tools. I feel happier, I feel more myself, and I have many more tools in my toolkit than I had before.”
Kate O’Leary
"At first I thought Joseph was a d!ck. But after working with him for several months it's clear he's a normal guy who had figured out the secret to managing ADHD without meds and just wants to share this with others."
Carly Watson
"Joseph's experience in managing ADHD drug free and his ability to relate allowed me to trust him immediately. His techniques can be applied to all areas of life."
Tim Wells
I've been through PTSD therapy, counseling, CBT but none of it has worked like this. I no longer mask. I'm not anxious, or depressed, or stressed. I'm just fully surrendered to the flow of life. I feel free.
Kevin Hartley
Thank you so much for all your help so far. I feel like this is what I need at this precise time in my journey. I am not the voice of the mind, I'm the one who hears it.
Joseph's lived experience of ADHD is very reassuring, and the guidance itself is helping me make leaps and bounds where I was once hitting walls. A lot of progress is made during every session.
Freddie Morse